Ace's Return! A Secret Alternate Reality?
Batman opened the fridge. "Out of suplies! Alfred, why didn't you bring rations! And how did we lose half of the food we had yesterday?" asked Batman, suddenly staring at Robin.
"Master Bruce, young Master Drake is a growing boy. Can you blame him for his hunger? Would you rather he starve?"
"*Sigh* I guess not. Ace, any clues on the strange continuity errors we've been recieving recently?" asked Batman.
Ace began to bark. Batman understood. "So, you say that we're in two slightly different realities that began to intersect when Sinister captured you, taking you to a desert island, whereas I arrived in a werehouse? And this also explains how you suddenly lost the ability to talk, and how I can still understand what you're saying in my version of the reality? Well, that does explain quite a bit, Ace,"* states Batman. "But how are we communicating and interacting if we're in different universes."
Ace explains that the universes are only slightly divergant and that when Batman entered the werehouse, the universes began to see and interact with each other.
"Congorilla, can you fix this?" Batman asked the newly created Congorilla/Khaos clone.
The universes began to fuse...
*This is a homage to cheesy silver age explanations, not sloppy writing.