The Final Explanation! Isolated on a New Earth!
J'onn Chapter 10:
"Okay, J'onn, are you ready for the rest of the explanation?" asked the Monitor.
"Yes, I suppose I am." I replied.
"Okay, when last we left off, I explained how you were on a fused Earth, even moreso than the one Alex Luthor made. This time, I will explain what will happen next to you. I'm sad to say that the body you've been in since the Infinite Crisis is a mere android... You've been getting messages from Swamp Thing warning you of this, but he was dismissed as insane by most, however you knew there might be something to what he was saying. These feelings escavated when you were flying through the dimension between earth and the Astral Plane. This weakened your mental barrier, allowing for a being like the Shadow King to posess an accomplished telepath like you. As you exitted the Astral Plane, we began to receive signals that you realised you were a mere robotic J'onn. See, in the Heroes United universe, there was never a true J'onn... Merely one in this plane of existance, the DC universe. We figured the Heroes United would figure something was up (being fused with earth prime, where comics are published featuring you) if an iconic character such as you was missing. So we inserted a spy, which prevented them from suspecting anything. Plus, it allowed us to see this if other dimension was stable enough to support itself, or if it needed another crisis, to fix it's continuity errors... It has done well enough, to escape the need for a crisis.
"Unfortunately, we cannot insert organic matter into the Heroes United Universe, merely synthezoids, such as your former body, and telepathic ideas, such as the idea to create a crisis. And thus, you are stuck here, on the DC earth. We will attempt to find a way to return you, but for now, you are stuck on this earth... I reccomend going down to check on the progress of the current Earth denizens. You see, the Earth here is quite different from the one you've seen before." And so, after agreeing with their wishes, I was sent down, via a teleporter, to a new earth... End J'onn Book 1.
"Okay, J'onn, are you ready for the rest of the explanation?" asked the Monitor.
"Yes, I suppose I am." I replied.
"Okay, when last we left off, I explained how you were on a fused Earth, even moreso than the one Alex Luthor made. This time, I will explain what will happen next to you. I'm sad to say that the body you've been in since the Infinite Crisis is a mere android... You've been getting messages from Swamp Thing warning you of this, but he was dismissed as insane by most, however you knew there might be something to what he was saying. These feelings escavated when you were flying through the dimension between earth and the Astral Plane. This weakened your mental barrier, allowing for a being like the Shadow King to posess an accomplished telepath like you. As you exitted the Astral Plane, we began to receive signals that you realised you were a mere robotic J'onn. See, in the Heroes United universe, there was never a true J'onn... Merely one in this plane of existance, the DC universe. We figured the Heroes United would figure something was up (being fused with earth prime, where comics are published featuring you) if an iconic character such as you was missing. So we inserted a spy, which prevented them from suspecting anything. Plus, it allowed us to see this if other dimension was stable enough to support itself, or if it needed another crisis, to fix it's continuity errors... It has done well enough, to escape the need for a crisis.
"Unfortunately, we cannot insert organic matter into the Heroes United Universe, merely synthezoids, such as your former body, and telepathic ideas, such as the idea to create a crisis. And thus, you are stuck here, on the DC earth. We will attempt to find a way to return you, but for now, you are stuck on this earth... I reccomend going down to check on the progress of the current Earth denizens. You see, the Earth here is quite different from the one you've seen before." And so, after agreeing with their wishes, I was sent down, via a teleporter, to a new earth... End J'onn Book 1.
At Wednesday, August 09, 2006 11:21:00 AM,
A Army Of (Cl)One said…
Metaphysics always confused me. So you're saying that you writting the Book of J'onn?
At Wednesday, August 09, 2006 11:22:00 AM,
Swamp Thing said…
Now you've got to seriously update your profile. And figure out if your series is set during "52" like mine, or in the "One Year Later" which is still at least 38 weeks away from now.
At Wednesday, August 09, 2006 11:40:00 AM,
J'onn J'onzz, Martian Manhunter said…
It's during One Year Later, I think. Or whenever my mini-series is going to be... I'm planning on tying it in with that when it comes out today. You won't have to read the mini to understand my story, it'll just be based on that... or something. Obviously DC doesn't read my blog, so they can't have the two intertwine. Plus, the whole thing is probably writen already.
And AOC, it's not really a book... I just cut it into chapters and books for some reason. You know, like Lord of the Rings has three books within a book, as does Redwall. I was doing it because I primarily only did one shot posts before this. I have to wrap up the Bathound story soon... I'm planning on making it a crossover with Gaia to wrap up my involvement with the Heroes United Universe. For now that is. I may be back in eight months, after the mini-series. Maybe not. It all depends on where my story goes, and if I can keep up blogging for eight months.
At Wednesday, August 09, 2006 2:39:00 PM,
Gaia said…
Our world is referred to as the "Heroes United" world?
At Thursday, August 10, 2006 7:00:00 AM,
Swamp Thing said…
Hmmm. The doom that threatens the merging of your worlds has begun. It seems to be explained in full in Magdelena's and Gaia's blogs. And it coincides with New J'onn's departure. Interesting. This blog should be a very different place very soon, when New J'onn's personality shift and his dramatic changes take effect.
Could this be the reason behind the Draculonians' and the TX's duplicity in covering up my true fate and the as-yet-unreported success of my Strike Force?
[Seeing as how my laptop took a direct magnetic hit when I was personally fighting Magneto and the TX, hence the haitus of my blog.]
At first it made no sense, as it was Mystique who poisoned my world's J'onn so she could impersonate anyone she wanted to strategically lure Captain Koma to temporarily invade my world (as my Earth never had any would-be despots named Captain Koma before this, Zatanna informs me. She also tells me the Marvel Universe she's visited in the past is very different from yours...) Koma urged Magneto to follow him leading to the formation of my Strike Force to stop them with the X-Men and others as back-up.
It was Mystique who secretly fueled the fires of the Martian-Koma feud, hoping to get my people to destroy the TX while it was on my Earth. Sadly, this never came to pass.
A pity Ultron took the TX back to your Earth, as my friend Power Girl could have actually destroyed the TX by throwing it into the sun. Then Zatanna would have permanently mindwiped Magneto to make him forget it ever existed. On your Earth, we were forbidden to do so, as Magneto would shook off his mindwipe and replaced the lost TX with an uncontrollable TX duplicate that would have killed him and insured the destruction of every single party on the Heroes United world. To avoid any of this from happening, we had to let things slide. Hence the creation of Synth-J'onn, before I went home for good. We then created a barrier permanently protecting our Earth from yours to keep the timelines separate.
Now I'm starting to see a pattern to all of this. Synth-J'onn's creation to continue his blog leads to his encounter with the Monitors, leading to his sojourn to an alternate future (one year later) version of my Earth set in the present.
This blog should become very different, very soon. The radically different New J'onn could very well become the savior of the Heroes United upon his eventually return...
I not only saved one J'onn, but two!
At Thursday, August 10, 2006 12:46:00 PM,
Professor Xavier said…
Now see it's mumbo jumbo like that, and skinny little lizards like you thinkin' they the Last Dragon, that gives Kung Fu a bad name.
At Thursday, August 10, 2006 4:32:00 PM,
Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said…
I'm so confused!
I'm slightly cornfused as well.
At Thursday, August 10, 2006 5:17:00 PM,
J'onn J'onzz, Martian Manhunter said…
You mean you fused with an ear of corn? That's horrible! I'll have to call the doctors.
Don't be confused. All the last story was, was a vehicle to get me to travel thoughout the multi-verse. I'm going to keep hopping around for a while.
I changed my mind about the mini-series... It's good and all, just not something I can intertwine my blog with. 52 would've been a better bet. I hadn't officially announced being in One Year Later yet in my blog's actual posts, so I think I'll be in the 52 universe... For a while. The newest tenative idea is that I'll jump around throughout the DC timestream.
At Thursday, August 10, 2006 6:19:00 PM,
Professor Xavier said…
No more HU cross-overs?
At Thursday, August 10, 2006 7:13:00 PM,
captain koma said…
this is long and complicated. I'm impressed.
BTW - new post at corbiscideit
At Thursday, August 10, 2006 9:05:00 PM,
Swamp Thing said…
Don't forget to introduce your new sidekick, Miss Martian.
Every brand new Titan in training needs a fresh start...
As for the first issue of your mini, break it down into digestible episodes so it will go a full week. The rest will just come around. Like this.
At Friday, August 11, 2006 10:33:00 AM,
Superman said…
I'd hold off on the miss Martian thing J'onn her cover for Teen Titans shows standing in front of some traitors to the Titans. Terra ,Trigon Possed Raven , and Superboy controlled by luthor
At Friday, August 11, 2006 12:12:00 PM,
J'onn J'onzz, Martian Manhunter said…
Professor, there will be more HU crossovers, but only with Ace the Bathound and my other characters. J'onn will be off-limits for a while.
At Saturday, August 12, 2006 7:59:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Too bad Swampy is made of hallucinagenic plants You never truly know what he's saying is real or if he's off in fantasy land. Like Olle says " Don't smoke Swampthing." it's not good for you!
At Saturday, August 12, 2006 8:13:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, Supernova. You planning on making a blog? I've been enjoying your appearances in 52. Then again, we know almost nothing about you... so anything you said about your private life would be disproved by future 52 issues, most likely...
I'll try to post tomorrow... We'll see what the "J'onn on Earth one" will be like... Hopefully better than it was before this latest storyline.
At Saturday, August 12, 2006 8:13:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Err... that was me, J'onn. For some reason the computer won't let me log in.
At Monday, August 14, 2006 4:03:00 PM,
J'onn J'onzz, Martian Manhunter said…
Update coming soon... I've been kind of... idea-whiped recently. I'm starting to regeret exiling myself to the DC Universe. It'll be better when I get some ideas.
At Wednesday, August 16, 2006 4:54:00 AM,
corbiscide said…
Read the new addition to the Overdue story. NOW!
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