Exploring the DCU: Part 1
After a long teleportation flight through the o-zone (not that there's much of one on this earth) I arrived in Metropolis. Deciding that I should catch up on this world's events, I transformed into a normal human and bought a newspaper. The headliner was "Going for the Gold: Supernova Outshines Former Hero!" It read "(Metropolis) The Mysterious masked "Supernova" continues to win the hearts and minds of the citizens of Metropolis with his widespred activities as this city's newest superhuman protectore." Interesting. I wonder who this Supernova s. He's commented on my blog... I scanned down the page. There was another article that went:
Tarnished: Booster Approval Ratings Show "NO CONFIDENCE"
(METROPOLIS) One would think he would have seen this coming. After all, if the stories about him are to be believed, he comes from the 25th Century. Yes following the revolation that most of his recent "brave acts of heroism" were actually part of a huge international campaign, the super hero career of the man known as Booster Gold is in freefal, with seemingly no end in sight.
The now disgraced costumed member of the prestigious Justice League, has seen his approval rating drop to an all time low. In a new survey of 5,000 Metropolis citizens conducted by the Daily Planet, Booster Gold's approval rating has dropped to a meager 2 percent-- a drop of 89 points from his all-time high of 91 percent following his rescue of Flight 2824 just three months ago. Even "Bibbo" Bibbowski, current owner of the notorious roughneck Ace O' Clubs bar in Suicide Slum, rates higher as a hero to the city populace, with a 15 percent approval rating.
Wow. To think that the inhabitants of Metropolis prefer mob bosses over superheroes, albeit shady ones. I'll have to see how bad Gotham is on this earth soon.
Obviously the city isn't taking too kindly to Booster Gold, whoever he is... while this Supernova character's popularity is skyrocketing. I wonder why there was no mention of Superman's popularity.
Tarnished: Booster Approval Ratings Show "NO CONFIDENCE"
(METROPOLIS) One would think he would have seen this coming. After all, if the stories about him are to be believed, he comes from the 25th Century. Yes following the revolation that most of his recent "brave acts of heroism" were actually part of a huge international campaign, the super hero career of the man known as Booster Gold is in freefal, with seemingly no end in sight.
The now disgraced costumed member of the prestigious Justice League, has seen his approval rating drop to an all time low. In a new survey of 5,000 Metropolis citizens conducted by the Daily Planet, Booster Gold's approval rating has dropped to a meager 2 percent-- a drop of 89 points from his all-time high of 91 percent following his rescue of Flight 2824 just three months ago. Even "Bibbo" Bibbowski, current owner of the notorious roughneck Ace O' Clubs bar in Suicide Slum, rates higher as a hero to the city populace, with a 15 percent approval rating.
Wow. To think that the inhabitants of Metropolis prefer mob bosses over superheroes, albeit shady ones. I'll have to see how bad Gotham is on this earth soon.
Obviously the city isn't taking too kindly to Booster Gold, whoever he is... while this Supernova character's popularity is skyrocketing. I wonder why there was no mention of Superman's popularity.
At Saturday, August 19, 2006 10:49:00 AM,
Swamp Thing said…
Excellent start!
At Saturday, August 19, 2006 10:53:00 AM,
J'onn J'onzz, Martian Manhunter said…
Also, I just fixed up the odd formatting I had before by tossing in another paragraph.
At Saturday, August 19, 2006 10:54:00 AM,
Professor Xavier said…
I thought teleportation was suppose to be instant?
At Saturday, August 19, 2006 10:54:00 AM,
J'onn J'onzz, Martian Manhunter said…
And also, the news article can be found on page one of 52 issue fifteen. I just copied it onto here....
At Saturday, August 19, 2006 10:55:00 AM,
J'onn J'onzz, Martian Manhunter said…
Oh, but Professor, this is alien teleportation! Not the kind that the JLA use. Quite different. You think alien technology would be more advanced though...
At Saturday, August 19, 2006 10:56:00 AM,
Cyclops said…
Are you kidding? With all the new security regulations? It takes for ever just to get through the check in.
At Saturday, August 19, 2006 2:38:00 PM,
Deadpool said…
At Sunday, August 20, 2006 3:11:00 AM,
corbiscide said…
52 ways to kill a hero.
Take him out back jack
Make a new plan Stan
Don't need to be coy Roy
Just keep killen 'em DC.
Firestorm, Ted Kord, Sue Dibney, Robin III's dad, Golden Glider, Capt Boomerrang. Now Booster Gold. Gee who's next Supes again.
I'm still pissed that they killed off Ronnie Raymond. Lame end.
At Sunday, August 20, 2006 6:14:00 AM,
J'onn J'onzz, Martian Manhunter said…
THEY KILLED OFF CAPTAIN BOOMERANG AND THE ORIGINAL FIRESTORM? I didn't know that. Isn't Martin Stein (the other original Firestorm guy. It's confusing.) in the current Firestorm comic though? With Firebird?
At Sunday, August 20, 2006 10:40:00 AM,
J'onn J'onzz, Martian Manhunter said…
Firehawk, that is.
At Sunday, August 20, 2006 6:25:00 PM,
Swamp Thing said…
Identity Crisis. Captain Boomerang and Robin's dad killed each other in a set-up by Jean Loring, while Firestorm was blown up after getting stabbed accidentally with Shining Knight's sword.
At Monday, August 21, 2006 2:08:00 PM,
J'onn J'onzz, Martian Manhunter said…
Oh. I'm only on issue three of Identity Crisis.
At Sunday, August 27, 2006 3:10:00 PM,
Deadpool said…
I approve of Booster!
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